Vince Ruston
I'm a professional writer and editor with nearly ten years of experience in the industry, including a first-class Honours degree and an almost-completed Master's. Below is a portfolio of some of my personal creative work.
Like a Cat Out of Hell
Louise (extract)
The Wheeler Centre
'My Chemical Romance: on Queer Emo Friendship'
Archer Magazine
'Year of the Cat'
Emerging Writers' Festival: Playlist: Love
'Q&A With Vince Ruston'
The Suburban Review
'Joy and the Flesh of Fruit'
Emerging Writers' Festival Podcast
'Blood, Salt and Fish Guts'
The Suburban Review
'We Really Need You Tonight'
Kill Your Darlings
Representations of sex work tend to focus on either titillation or exploitation. But for many escorts, inadequate regulation of the industry both reflects and enforces the ongoing stigma they face.
On my time in the adult industry. Shortlisted for the 2018 Woolhara Digital Non-Fiction Prize.
'I love playing around with words in that way, trying to find exactly the right one, so getting the imagery of that act into words was more playful and joyful than difficult.'
Associate editor Maya Pilbrow interviews me about my short story for issue #19 Echo, 'Blood, Salt and Fish Guts'.
They were the band that brought my friendship group together – a strange bunch of queer goth-slash-emo teens affectionally self-dubbed The Bra Tree Gang.
For the tenth anniversary of My Chemical Romance's last studio album, I wrote about what the band meant for me, as a teenager coming to terms with sexuality, gender, and neurodivergence.
APRIL 2022
I was very fortunate to be awarded a Hot Desk Fellowship from The Wheeler Centre in 2020. This fellowship offers a stipend and workspace in The Wheeler Centre building with the aim of aiding emerging writers to develop a project over three months. You can read an extract from the experimental poetic-prose novel I worked on during my Hot Desk here.